Applied DevSecOps

The Boeing Applied DevSecOps Course was created in close coordination between Boeing and CT Cubed Inc. to meet changing industry needs. Product Security Practitioners require industry leading training surrounding security solutions that form the foundation for accelerated development within a DevSecOps-driven software factory. The graduates of the Applied DevSecOps Course will understand and be able to apply security philosophies as well as plan, implement, and report on cyber test-in-depth activities within this dynamic and fast paced environment. Students will also learn how to use Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for the benefit of delivering timely, verified, and secure products.
If you are interested in a customized training course like Applied DevSecOps to meet the specific needs of your company, reach out to us for more details.
Academics DevSecOps Fundamentals
Platform Security & CI/CD Pipelines
Security of the Code
Security of the Pipeline
Industry Resources for DevSecOps
DevSecOps and Cyber Test-in-Depth
Reassessing Risk When Using CI/CD Pipelines
Product Security Engineering and Software
Engineering Collaboration
Labs Software Factory Tools and Activities
Pipeline Tools Assessment
Pipeline Risks
Requirements Traceability to Artifacts
Cyber Test-in-Depth Strategy
Reassessing Risk when using CI/CD Pipelines
Capstone Live gamification play as students lead an integrated project team applying DevSecOps principles in a software factory
Multi-round competition where teams receive instant feedback on security-relevant decisions as they attempt to produce secure platform code on-time and on-budget or risk falling victim to insecure code and adversary activity
The MOUSE is a system-of-systems. The Applied DevSecOps Course will focus on it’s mission computer, ultrasonic, EO/IR camera, and temperature/humidity subsystems to link all Applied DevSecOps lessons and labs together. It is an unclassified, strictly academic, virtual, online learning environment and now includes a DevSecOps ecosystem. Students will learn how the MOUSE software is developed, tested, and deployed through CI/CD pipelines.

Traning and Pricing
If you are a Boeing employee contact us to so we can help you with scheduling. After completing the training, students will receive a memo certifying the completion of the training. This memo can be used by students to serve as proof when logging Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements for industry certifications.
Contact [email protected] for more information.